We recently received a story about how Syrian refugee dental care can really make a difference—children who obtained much-needed dental care thanks to your support and kind donations. Refugees in Lebanon smiling brighter than before Eleven-year-old Aya, 7-year-old Alla and 10-year-old Abdullah were refugees in Lebanon for the past three years. Their previous lives in Syria were all but distant memories. Just a week after they left their house during the early days of the conflict in Syria, it was bombed to the ground. None of the kids went to school in years. None even received dental care, or oral hygiene education, either. The siblings have a sister who is severely disabled, and the family has spent all of its financial resources caring for her. There’s only so much to go around. The family hopes to resettle soon, but that effort will take time. A dental clinic in the settlement helped three siblings At a dental clinic at one of the settlements, the three siblings got the care they needed. Aya and Alla received fillings, while Abdullah had a tooth pulled. In addition to the dental care, they received tooth brushes and toothpaste from Medical Teams International. The children are using them, as they exclaimed, “Three times a day!” Before seeing the dentist, Aya said she was not able to eat. Abdullah said it was extremely painful to eat, especially when he ate sweets. With a big, sly smile, Abdullah admitted to liking cookies, ice cream and chocolate. Now he knows these are occasional foods—not meal replacements. And, he should always drink a lot of water and brush his teeth. After receiving dental care, the kids said they no longer have pain in their mouths. They even became health advocates in their own right, telling their friends how important it is to brush their teeth. These wonderful smiles are the results of your willingness to come along side and help our neighbors in need. Thank you so much! Thousands of Syrian refugees, like Aya, Alla and Abdullah, receive dental care because of your donations. Your support changes lives. Donate now. Topics: Dental Care Syrian Refugees Women and Children Previous Post Next Post Refugee Receives Diabetic Care in Lebanon »