When the wind whips the wheat on Millie Moore-Voll’s ranch, there’s electricity in the air. This is her legacy for the world’s most vulnerable. The owner and caretaker of one of the most historic properties in rural Sherman County, Ore., Millie presides over hundreds of acres of wheat in much the same way as Helen Moore, the first Moore wife to work the land the late 19th century. But 130 years later, there’s a modern twist on land investment, one that doesn’t require irrigation: electricity-generating windmills. For ranchers like Millie in this gusty part of Oregon, just south of the Columbia River Gorge, the gentle whirring of the windmills sounds like money in the bank. For Millie, the revenue generated from the windmills presents an opportunity to give back well after she is gone. A long-time donor to Medical Teams International, Millie wrote her will so that it cedes all revenue generated from the windmills to Medical Teams International. Millie Moore-Voll in Guatemala, where she served on a Medical Teams International community development team. This is the culmination of a 20-year relationship with the organization. She was first drawn to Medical Teams when she realized that it combined faith with medical care, an approach that is dear to her heart. After reading a story about volunteer medical teams finding strength in the Bible during their response to Hurricane Mitch in Honduras, Millie grew closer to the organization. The revenue will be used to help needy people around the world – refugees in Lebanon and Uganda, malnourished children in Guatemala and victims of cholera in Haiti. Legacy gifts of this kind aren’t simple to set up, Millie acknowledges, but they’re worth it. Her gift will ensure consistent, ongoing revenue for necessary programs for at least a decade – perhaps longer. Millie, who married into the Moore family, is the fourth-generation matron of the historic property and wants to see it put to good use after she is gone. “I realized there was no one to leave this too, as had been done before for generations,” she said. “Because I had some heart and knowledge of Medical Teams, it was given to me that they should be the ones to inherit the funds generated from the windmills.” She has seen suffering in the world, through her travels to places like Kosovo and Guatemala. Her gift is a way of making a difference, leaving a legacy that will impact lives for years. She asks others to consider leaving their mark on future generations, too. This gift has brought Millie even closer to Medical Teams. In 2017, she and her daughter volunteered to build latrines in the rural highlands of Guatemala. “It is my hope that by offering Medical Teams support financially,” Millie said, “it will support in an even greater way the work they are doing around the world.” Interested in leaving a legacy through Medical Teams International? Learn more about the ways you can have an impact for years to come. Topics: Donor Planned Giving Volunteer Previous Post « Rasha Brings Hope to Her Settlement Next Post Water on the Rooftops »