Beyond cash: stock, IRAs, DAFs, bequests, vehicles When you make a gift, your generosity lives on. You’ll provide life-saving medical care to people in crisis long into the future. Including Medical Teams International in your will or estate plan may also help you receive tax benefits and achieve your charitable giving goals. “At this stage of our lives, giving back is important for our souls.” — Duane and Barbara McDougall Here are some of the many ways you can save lives through your gift: Appreciated Securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) Individual Retirement Rollover Gifts (IRAs) and IRA beneficiary designations Wills & Estates Include Medical Teams as a beneficiary Use FreeWill (free, online resource — more info below) Donor-Advised Funds Vehicle donations Tangible property (real estate, artwork, etc.) Cryptocurrency Hope for the Future Society Please let us know if you have already included Medical Teams International in your will or estate plan so we can thank you! We’d love to invite you to join our Hope for the Future Society. Donors who have included Medical Teams International in their estate plans are invited to be Hope for the Future Society members. Your thoughtful planning will touch the lives of people in crisis around the world. Imagine the impact you will have on a single mother’s life if you spare her the heartache of losing a child. Or the health and hope you will give a refugee who has lost everything. On behalf of the people whose lives you will impact, thank you. Benefits for Hope for the Future Society members include: A report of our programs that goes out to our leading donors Special recognition, including your name listed on a wall at our international headquarters in Portland (unless you wish to remain anonymous) INFORMATION FOR PLANNING ADVISORS: Medical Teams International is an Oregon nonprofit corporation. Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the organization is exempt from federal income taxation. Accordingly, donations to Medical Teams International qualify for income, gift, and estate tax charitable deductions under applicable portions of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Federal tax ID number is 93-0878944. The information on this site does not constitute legal, financial, tax or estate planning advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for such advice. Contact your financial advisor to learn about all of the types of planned gifts.