Help us bring health care to your community!

Jill Ewanchuk with volunteer dentists Dr Susan Rustvold and Dr Huang Jing, volunteer nurses Bess and Nancy smiling in front of the van at the IRCO clinic, 2023
Jill Ewanchuk with volunteer dentists Dr Susan Rustvold and Dr Huang Jing, volunteer nurses Bess and Nancy smiling in front of the van at the IRCO clinic, 2023

How Care & Connect Mobile Health works

With the support of our local partner organizations, we bring free health care services to our patients where they already are. From rural areas to houseless encampments, we help people get the urgent care they need by taking health care to them.

Many of the people we serve have been left behind by the health care system. Our mobile clinic model reduces barriers to care, and allows us to work directly with trusted community partners.

Our partners include food banks, community-based organizations, advocacy groups, and social services agencies. We prioritize partnerships with organizations who work closely with under-served communities. We do charge a fee to host clinics. That funding helps keep our services free for patients.

Who Care & Connect Mobile Health serves

We prioritize partnerships with organizations who serve our target populations. If your organization works with the following groups, please don’t hesitate to begin the process of scheduling a clinic!

Our target populations include:

  • People who are uninsured or under-insured
  • Low-income or unhoused people
  • BIPOC communities
  • People with irregular migratory status
  • People who speak languages other than English
  • Rural communities
  • People living in health care deserts
  • People experiencing significant delays/long wait times at local health centers
  • People struggling to pay for services

To see a list of criteria for patient eligibility, and the services we provide patients, please visit Patients of Care & Connect Mobile Health.

Partnering with Care & Connect Mobile Health

Our mobile model only works with the support of trusted community partners! If you are interested in hosting a mobile clinic, please click here to reach out to our team.

We ask our partners to support the success and utilization of the mobile clinic in a few ways. First, we ask that they spread the word and let their communities know a clinic is happening. We also ask that partners assist with patient screening and scheduling. All partners must provide adequate space and day-of support.

Finally, we do ask partners to help fund the clinic so services remain free for our patients.

Funding Care & Connect Mobile Health Clinics

In order to keep our services free for patients, we fund all mobile clinics through a combination of grants, donations, and site fees from community partnerships. Our clinics also rely heavily on our wonderful network of volunteers.

We ask our community partners to contribute a site fee and match that contribution with a grant to cover the cost of clinics. We do offer sliding-scale site fee options to community-based organizations.

Together, with our community partners, we’ll discuss funding, identify a mutually agreeable number and cadence of clinics, and sign a memorandum of agreement.

Current Partners of Care & Connect Mobile Health

For current partners of Care & Connect Mobile Health, please click here to schedule a clinic. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you’re a current partner and looking for information on screening criteria, scheduling guidelines, or services, download these site partner resource guidelines.